I can finally cross "be an extra in a major movie" off my bucket list. I just spent 13 hours on a huge Hollywood set standing a few feet from Paul Giamanti, Emma Thompson, and Tom Hanks. The best part of the day was that I showed up early and wasn't sure where to go. I saw hundreds of trailers and walked up to the only one that had people around it. As I was walking up, the door flew open and out walked Tom Hanks. I was literaly seconds away from barging into Mr. Gump's trailer, which I think after I had been beat up by security would have been hilarious!
So that was my Friday. Look for the movie Saving Mr. Banks next Christmas. Hopefully you'll be able to see me! I'm a reporter on the red carpet sandwiched between Hanks and Snow White. Now where's my deli tray?!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Part of a Complete Day
I feel so complete! This morning at the coffee shop a guy came in wearing pajama's, cussing and knocking plates off tables. The cooks came out of the back and wrestled him to the ground and threw him out. Just now at the bar, some drunk dude was tackled by security and thrown out on the street. My day has come full circle! It started AND ended with random crazy people being put into arm bars and thrown out of public establishments.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Don't panic
I use to freak out and stress over little "bumps" in the road of life. Once I gave up the need to control the curve balls life throws at me I was suddenly able to see that things are never really "good" or "bad". They just are. That doesn't mean the irritating stuff no longer happens, it just means I no longer stress about it. I now know it'll all balance out, often sooner than later. Case in point today I drove all the way from LA to San Diego only to find out the weekend shows were still on but the Thursday show was cancelled. Irritating, yes, but after a few phone calls, they moved me to a spot at the Comedy Store down here. A place I'd been trying to get into for months. Then, as I was leaving the Starbucks here, my car wouldn't start! And I knew it wasn't the battery. I started to get real concerned but again, remained calm. I looked to my right and LITERALLY next door was a Honda Dealer. Not only did they fix my car for free but the service guy is a comic here in San Diego and has a lot of good contacts. So that is my free advice for today. Stay calm and if comedy doesn't work out, I know I could have a future selling parts for Honda.
Monday, October 8, 2012
When life hands you lemons
True Story:
I was at a bar and this girl walked up to me and started a conversation. She was nice but half way thru she stopped in the middle of what she was saying and smelt her armpit. "Oh my God, I stink" she said, and then I swear to Christ she reached over the bar and grabbed a lemon from the fruit tray and rubbed it on her arm pits like deodorant!!
Keep it classy ladies
I was at a bar and this girl walked up to me and started a conversation. She was nice but half way thru she stopped in the middle of what she was saying and smelt her armpit. "Oh my God, I stink" she said, and then I swear to Christ she reached over the bar and grabbed a lemon from the fruit tray and rubbed it on her arm pits like deodorant!!
Keep it classy ladies
Saturday, October 6, 2012
New California Shows
Ch..Ch..Check it out
10/11-10/12: The Comedy Palace
(San Diego) W/ Jade Catta-Preta
10/14: Bar Lubitsch (Hollywood)*
10/16: Laugh Factory (Hollywood)
10/20: House of Brews (S. Fernando)*
10/31: Improv Comedy Club (Irvine)
11/14: Jon Lovitz Club (Universal City)
* Free Show / Headlining
10/11-10/12: The Comedy Palace
(San Diego) W/ Jade Catta-Preta
10/14: Bar Lubitsch (Hollywood)*
10/16: Laugh Factory (Hollywood)
10/20: House of Brews (S. Fernando)*
10/31: Improv Comedy Club (Irvine)
11/14: Jon Lovitz Club (Universal City)
* Free Show / Headlining
Friday, June 8, 2012
Shark Attack
I recently read an article about how shark attacks were "on the rise by 25%!" I did some research and a whopping 17 people died in 2011 from shark attacks. Conversely, 100 million sharks are killed every year by humans. I think it's pretty safe to say we are winning the war on sharks. I hate when the news gets in a frenzy about how terrible shark attack attacks are! 100 million to 17! That's not an attack.. that's self defense! If you think about it, humans are the Adolph Hitler's to the shark species. I can just see the war room under the sea, "Guys, we're getting killed out there! We lost 20 million soldiers last month. Why are the humans attacking us? Do they think we are a threat?
"No Captain, they want to make soup!"
"No Captain, they want to make soup!"
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Summer Tour 2012
-Summer Tour 2012-
I'll be heading south this summer for a string of Texas dates. More to be announced soon.
Tickets for my headlining birthday show July 19th at the Addison Improv are on sale NOW.
They are only $7 dollars for a limited time. Head over to the website to purchase tickets.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Back to Cali
Just got back to California from Texas. I had an amazing week and it was so wonderful to see my friends and family again. The shows were incredible and I feel truly lucky to have so many great people in my life. I was gonna blog about the week but it's still a little foggy. If I didn't get to see you, I'll be back for shows in July!
In the meantime I'm filming a short film this weekend and the director has already called me crying twice. This should be interesting..
In the meantime I'm filming a short film this weekend and the director has already called me crying twice. This should be interesting..
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Escape From LA
Justin Foster, Raj Sharma, and Tone Bell, 3 Texas transplants now living in California will be coming home for a triple bill this Saturday at 7pm. It all worked out that we will be in town that night and are very excited about doing a show at our home club. Tickets are available now at improv.com or by calling the box office at 972-404-8501. Please come out and support the show so we can make you laugh (and hopefully make enough to afford the twelve dollar drinks out here for awhile longer.)
Tickets available here
Tickets available here
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Gee Whiz
I was parked on a street yesterday in the middle of the afternoon waiting to pick a friend up when a big escalade pulled behind me. There was a huge black dude in a suit and tie behind the wheel smoking a black and mild. He's just staring at me for about five minutes then he gets out of his car and starts walking my way. I'm a little concerned at this point but he stops behind my car and in front of his and then, just like that, he starts pissing. I'm like "there is no way this dude is just pissing right now" and I look in my rear view and sure enough he's letting it go all over the street, never breaking eye contact with me. After what seems like an hour he gets back in his car and drives away. For a split second when he got out I thought I was about to get robbed, so I guess I was a little relieved that all he did was creepily stare at me while urinating on my car, which is something I thought I would never say.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
"It's Never Enough"
Eavesdropping on other people's
conversations in public is a favorite past time of mine. For the
longest time the two types of people to listen in on were 1. Couples
on a first date 2. Dudes talking about women (getting women, how the
bar has a lack of women, what they did with this woman, what they
would do with that one, etc.) However, now living in Hollywood, I'd
like to submit a third category: 3. DRUNK DUDES TALKING TO
Now, I've never once considered myself
a “celebrity”, however on a small scale, I'm in front of the
general public entertaining them, which in return brings some people
the desire to chat with me after a show. Normally I love it, however
there are those times when a guy has had too much to drink and can
just get on my nerves. It's usually the dude who saw you on stage and
now fancies himself a comedian.
“Hey man, you're really funny.”
“Hey man, you're really unfunny.”
“Hey man, I got a joke you can use.”
“Hey man, you're a comic, say
something to make me laugh.”
“Hey man, wanna hang out after the
“Hey man, people tell me I'm funny, I
think I could do what you do”
“Hey man, how come to don't talk
about blah blah blah.”
Now that is annoying but on the
absolute smallest level of the entertainment industry. With that
being said, I couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like to be a
MAJOR star that gets recognized everywhere he goes.
That brings me to the subject of
Last night I was at a bar in Hollywood
having some drinks with friends when I notice directly behind me is
Jeremy Renner having a conversation with two guys that could best be
described as “retarded drunk.” So naturally I turn a bit to the
left and I'm hearing what has got to be the most uncomfortable
exchange one could have when trying to just have a drink and be left
What I gathered is that the 2 guys were
in a band (of course) and that they were “big fans” of Renner
(because they kept repeating it, over and over.)
Then they start in with “I think it's
great you're in the new Avengers movie. It's going to launch your career like crazy.”
To which Renner very politely replies
with: “yeah, ha, let's hope so.”
Drunk guys : “you are always starring
with famous actors but you need to be a lead. You could definitely be
the lead in a movie...”
Now this is hilarious to me and I start
laughing. All I hear in my head is these 2 drunk dudes telling one of
the most respected actors out right now to “hang in their kid,
you're gonna make it one day.”
Renner replies with “Yeah, uh, I'm
the lead in the new Bourne Movie..”
Drunk dudes “Oh, really? They are
still making those? Is Matt Damon not gonna be in it?”
Renner: “Dude, I've been doing this
for 20 years.”
Drunk dudes: “But you need to be like
Hollywood Huge”
Renner: “I have a 30 ft. billboard
across the street where I'm standing next to Robert Downey Jr, and
Samuel L Jackson, I was nominated for 2 Academy Awards. What more do
you want from me?!”
And this goes on and on for about 15
minutes. It just goes to show you the mentality of some people. Here
you have an actor that makes millions of dollars, was in a movie that
won best picture, and has incredible success and yet he's getting
career advice from two dudes drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.
I would never eat a meal prepared by
Gordon Ramsay and then tell him the duck needs more salt.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I like this
"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life."~(Indian Philosopher (1895-1986)) - J.Krishnamurti
Monday, April 2, 2012
Bizarre Night! Somehow I ended up in the green room of the Hermosa Beach Comedy and Magic Club with Jay Leno and Jimmy Brogan. Great show and even better hanging after. The club is first class and super cool. Definitely an experience for me. Plus, I got to see Jay accidentally back his Jaguar into a parked car. Not bad for a Sunday night.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Feeling very accomplished right about now. Had a great audition this afternoon and this evening I got to perform at the Comedy Store. A lot of history there and felt great to be on that stage. Also booked a handful of new shows including a week back in Texas in April.
Side note. My roommate is out of town and I got to sleep in his bed. Wow! I gotta get me one of these.
Side, Side note. I checked my myspace today for the first time in a long time. You know that place is dead when even Tom deleted his page.
Full List of Shows:
Side note. My roommate is out of town and I got to sleep in his bed. Wow! I gotta get me one of these.
Side, Side note. I checked my myspace today for the first time in a long time. You know that place is dead when even Tom deleted his page.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Where the Drugs At?
The highlight of my day today was watching a crack head loose his mind in the middle of the street. I was parking my car off of Hollywood Blvd when I heard a commotion and people yelling. I looked up and a guy had grabbed this tweaker lady's backpack and dumped all the contents out on the street. He kept yelling "Where the drugs at? Where the drugs at? Bitch-ass-ho. Give me the drugs or I'm going to kill you." The greatest part was his unbelievable disregard for the fact that it was noon on a Saturday on quite possibly one of the busiest streets in America. People stopped what they were doing to watch. Even Darth Vader and Optimus Prime that were standing in front of Man's Chinese Theater turned around. At one point as he's kicking her belongings up the street he notices people starring at him to which he shouts "yeah, I'm looking for drugs, go ahead and call the police!" (They never came.)
After about ten minutes he drops the backpack and the girl, who is all of about 98 pounds, puts everything back in the bag and runs off. As she's leaving he's still shouting profanities, something about if he ever sees her again.. blah blah blah. The crowd starts to dissipate and he's trying to rally the people on his side by going "can you believe that bitch? I gave her 200 dollars for drugs and she didn't bring back nothing but an attitude."
Let this be a lesson for some of you young drug people out there. If someone gives you 200 dollars for drugs, you better bring back "more than just an attitude."
justin foster,
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
1-800 Priest
How come in horror movies the husband never believes the wife that the house is haunted until all hell has already broken loose? I honestly feel that if my family and I moved into a new house and my wife told me the walls were bleeding while I was at work, I'd be like, "Word? Well let's get the f#*k out of here then!" There would be no assuring her it was all in her head. There would be no waiting to see what the explanation was. It would be "Oh, the baby monitors are picking up demons chatting at 4am and our kid has been walking on the ceiling? Ok, pack your shit, we're getting a rental house." Don't call a priest. Call your realtor and ask for your deposit back.
haunted house,
horror movies,
justin foster,
paranormal activity,
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
"Stop Being A Chicken"
I have to be honest and say that I have absolutely no desire to eat anything from the guy on the street corner selling food from a cart. I don't care how hard my friends try to convince me that “it's amazing”or that “he makes the best chicken in town.” I'm the guy who doesn't like eating the trail mix out of the public bowl at a bar, what in the hell makes you think I want to eat poultry from a guy in a tent next to an adult book store? There is a guy in our neighborhood that literally drives around selling taco's out of his van. His VAN! How do I know he's not some pervert that preys on adults but instead of candy to lure me in he uses chorizo? Now obviously that's a stretch but as a child you get it drilled into your head not to talk to strangers and to inspect your candy thoroughly at Halloween, so now as an adult it's difficult to go against that and purchase cuisine out of a Chevy. The guy on my block that sells food on the corner has no health inspection sticker, no sink, no “employees must wash hands before returning to work" sign and still people line up to buy bags of chicken sandwiches out of his ice chest. Here's the thing, it's probably delicious but I'm such a nut that in my head he went out and found a street corner, bought a tent, assembled it, paid off the cops, found a chicken, killed it, cooked it, poisoned it, and has been waiting for me ever since. No thank you sir. I prefer to get food poisoning the old fashion way.. by eating Taco Bell at 3am.
Halloween candy,
justin foster,
mexican food,
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Nothing To See Here
I'm at my apartment at around 2:15am when I hear a loud commotion coming from downstairs. I hear brakes slam and an engine running, and since the road behind my apartment dead ends, I know whatever is happening can't be good. I go to the window and see a car running in the middle of the street with it's passenger side door open. I look out and there is this incredibly drunk woman in stiletto's kicking the living shit out of a parked car. I'm guessing she jumped out of her boyfriends car unexpectedly because he's yelling at her to get back in at the same time trying to undo his seat belt. After a moment she stops kicking the vehicle and walks behind her boyfriends car to get something out of the trunk (which is already popped for some reason.) It's at this time he gets out of the driver side not knowing she is now behind the car. Turns out the guy is more drunk then she is because he stumbles out forgetting to put the car in park and it immediately starts rolling backwards. The girl is behind it in high heels, screaming, trying to push the car while he scrambles to jump back inside. She calls him an idiot, knocks his hat off his head, then goes back to kicking the car. It's at this moment the cops roll up behind them and about the point when I'm doubled over in tears laughing. She stops kicking the car, the cops talk to them for roughly about 5 seconds and then proceed to keep driving to the end of the street. The cops then get out of their cars with flash lights and start walking..THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. The girl is still kicking and yelling something in Spanish and the boyfriend is literally dragging her back into the car. She's oblivious the cops are even there. The guy manages to get her into the car, picks his hat up off the street, and peels off, almost hitting two more cars. It's at this time I notice the cops aren't paying them any attention and are looking in gates and behind bushes for something else. I thought it was super cool of the cops to cut this couple a break and that's about the time reality kicked in. There is something very unsettling the moment you realize that whatever is now hiding on my street takes precedent over drunk driving, reckless endangerment and destruction of property. I'm sure I'm gonna sleep great tonight.
justin foster,
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Goodnight and Good Truck
Another used condom spotted on my block today. That's a total of two. Back home I wouldn't walk barefoot because I was afraid of stepping on a rock or a piece of glass. Out here it's because I don't want my toes to get crabs..
Speaking of getting f#%ked, the insurance company from the guy who hit me finally decided my parked car wasn't at fault and got me a rental. It's a gigantic, gas guzzling S.U.V., and in environmentally conscious LA, I might as well have a bald eagle stuck in the grill. I pulled up next to a Prius and the driver gave me a dirty look. I wanted to roll down the window and go "I'm not an asshole, it's a rental!"
The car is nicer than my apartment.
The driver seat feels like a heated La-Z-Boy.. which is the dumbest thing to me. Nobody needs to be that comfortable behind the wheel of an automobile. My first car was a '78 Cougar that was about as comfortable as taking a road trip on Michael J Fox's back and yet I STILL had trouble staying awake on the highway. I'm going to hang one of those dream catchers from the rear view mirror so it can catch my bad dreams as I'm driving into a ditch.
Speaking of getting f#%ked, the insurance company from the guy who hit me finally decided my parked car wasn't at fault and got me a rental. It's a gigantic, gas guzzling S.U.V., and in environmentally conscious LA, I might as well have a bald eagle stuck in the grill. I pulled up next to a Prius and the driver gave me a dirty look. I wanted to roll down the window and go "I'm not an asshole, it's a rental!"
The car is nicer than my apartment.
The driver seat feels like a heated La-Z-Boy.. which is the dumbest thing to me. Nobody needs to be that comfortable behind the wheel of an automobile. My first car was a '78 Cougar that was about as comfortable as taking a road trip on Michael J Fox's back and yet I STILL had trouble staying awake on the highway. I'm going to hang one of those dream catchers from the rear view mirror so it can catch my bad dreams as I'm driving into a ditch.
justin foster,
Michael J. Fox,
rental car,
Friday, February 24, 2012
Loathe thy Neighbor
My car was wrecked the other night. First brand new car I've ever had and someone slammed into me. He "claims" he swerved to hit a homeless person in the road and instead took out a couple of cars. Cool story. Now instead of being an idiot he makes himself out to be a hero among the homeless. The worst part about the situation is his insurance is giving me the run around saying they aren't going to pay for damages until they conclude that he was definitely at fault. Here's the thing... my car was parked! I wasn't anywhere close to it when he slammed into it. Imagine my surprise when I came out of the bar and saw my car. I remember saying to myself "Well that's odd, I don't remember parking inside of a Pathfinder."
Nobody was driving any of the other wrecked cars at the time either. Now the insurance company wants to make sure that, without a doubt, none of the other parked cars were at fault. How long does it take to figure that out?
It's simple math really, 4 wrecked cars + only one person driving = His fault.
Case closed.
I'm not going to say what insurance company he has, but if this is their idea of being "good neighbors," I wouldn't let them borrow any sugar. They'd probably just end up pouring it into my gas tank anyway.
Nobody was driving any of the other wrecked cars at the time either. Now the insurance company wants to make sure that, without a doubt, none of the other parked cars were at fault. How long does it take to figure that out?
It's simple math really, 4 wrecked cars + only one person driving = His fault.
Case closed.
I'm not going to say what insurance company he has, but if this is their idea of being "good neighbors," I wouldn't let them borrow any sugar. They'd probably just end up pouring it into my gas tank anyway.
Monday, February 20, 2012
"Breading is Sexy"
I saw a hot girl today with bleach blonde hair, fake eyelashes, and a prada purse. Typical "valley girl". However, she was wearing a t-shirt that said “Reading is Sexy”. I'm sorry but something tells me "Miss Gucci Stilettos" isn't looking for a husband inside a Barnes and Nobles. In fact I'm pretty sure the only time she finds reading sexy is when a man is reading her his bank statement.
The worst part was, the guy she was with looked so big and dumb that I don't think he was capable of even reading her t-shirt. The only reading it looked like he did was the “please rack weights after use" sign at the gym (and that's only if it contained clipart as a visual aid.) I just seriously doubt that after a long day of MMA training that he comes home and dives in to Hemingway. He looked like the type of dude who refused to watch "Reading Rainbow" as a kid because he thought "rainbows are for fags!"
I wish women really did find reading sexy, because it would make role playing in the bedroom way more interesting..
“What's my name? What's my name?”
"Call Me Ishmael!”
The worst part was, the guy she was with looked so big and dumb that I don't think he was capable of even reading her t-shirt. The only reading it looked like he did was the “please rack weights after use" sign at the gym (and that's only if it contained clipart as a visual aid.) I just seriously doubt that after a long day of MMA training that he comes home and dives in to Hemingway. He looked like the type of dude who refused to watch "Reading Rainbow" as a kid because he thought "rainbows are for fags!"
I wish women really did find reading sexy, because it would make role playing in the bedroom way more interesting..
“What's my name? What's my name?”
"Call Me Ishmael!”
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Can Buy Me Love
At some point you would think these
high level executives and politicians would eventually wise up and
stop having sex with hookers. It seems like once a month some senator
or some CEO has to retire because a scandal broke and they got caught
paying for sex. The cops always find some master hooker appointment
book with their names in it. These guys are smart enough to get a
degree and make millions of dollars but too stupid to give a fake
name when they check in to hooker headquarters. If you're that rich
and that powerful and just insist on paying for sex, why not go down
to the worst neighborhood you can find and hook up with one of those
gems? Those girls don't even have shoes.. much less a day planner.
I've never seen the hookers in my neighborhood ask a guy “So, how
does your Wednesday at 2:00 o'clock look?"
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Dude looks (and sounds) like a lady
Another day in Hollywood. I was awoken to the sound of kids crying, a broken fire alarm going off, police sirens, and a rooster clucking. Now I have heard the best part of waking up was Foldger's, but I guess for now, these other things will have to do. I had gotten booked at a show tonight in Burbank by a woman who knows me but I had no idea who she was or how she had gotten my info. I showed up to the club and after a long (and very awkward) conversation I realize that this "woman" was a dude I used to work with in Dallas many years ago. "She" is now living in West Hollywood as a woman and performing stand up comedy. The show went great and felt so much like being back home again. Aside from a bunch of drag queens arguing, a women knitting the entire show, and a drunk lady arguing with the waitress, the show went off without a hitch. However, as a courtesy, I would have preferred a little heads up from my friend to let me know "he" is now a "she". In the future, if you're going to decide to change genders, don't just assume everyone from your past is going to recognize you and automatically know the story. A little fair warning would be cool. "Hey, you remember me? Haven't talked to you in awhile and hope you're doing well. Oh, by the way, do you remember back in the day when I had a penis? Yeah, funny story..."
All in all it was a great night. New material killed, drank a shit ton, and got to perform with my friends. Ended the night by coming home and hearing hookers having sex in their cars on my street. Ugh, more used condoms to step in tomorrow..
All in all it was a great night. New material killed, drank a shit ton, and got to perform with my friends. Ended the night by coming home and hearing hookers having sex in their cars on my street. Ugh, more used condoms to step in tomorrow..
dude looks like a lady,
justin foster,
west hollywood
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Gay
On this day we recognize St. Valentine, a priest who was sentenced to a three part execution of beating, stoning, and decapitation for marrying Christian couples in Rome. Yes, at one point even Christian couples couldn't get married, so how about we go easy on this whole gay marriage thing? Happy Valentines Day. Love who you love..
Love and Other Thugs
I literally just stepped on a used condom getting out of the car on my street. Which is half disturbing and half puzzling considering I live in an all Hispanic neighborhood. The worst part was that I complained to my roommate about it and his very casual reply was "Yeah, sometimes hookers take their John's down our street for privacy."
I really hope that is the case because if not, the only evidence to a sexual assault now has my foot print on it.
The fact that I was angry about someone discarding a used condom in the middle of the street is somewhat amusing in retrospect. Obviously the type of person that's going to pick up a hooker then take her down a dark street and have sex with her could care less about getting a ticket for littering. I just figured since this was LA he'd be more conscious of the environment and recycle. Or at the very least go green and stop using plastic.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pair of Nike's to incinerate.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pair of Nike's to incinerate.

go green,
justin foster,
love and other drugs,
safe sex,
sexual offender,
Monday, February 13, 2012
Breakfast at Tiffany's
I'm thinking it's time to bring back segregation.
I was having lunch the other day at a place that was (unknown to me) a "dog friendly" patio. This is for dog owners who like to enjoy a meal while their pets annoy other people for a change. Aside from being unsanitary, bringing a dog around tons and tons of people food is a little cruel if you ask me. It's the equivalent of taking your girlfriend to Tiffany's Jewelry and telling her not to touch anything. She'd be under the bracelet counter whining louder then a cocker spaniel for a piece of bacon.
The place was mayhem. Dogs jumping on tables, fighting with other dogs, drinking iced tea out of their owners' cups. I'm a huge dog lover, however, I'm still not 100 percent comfortable with people mixing animals and food; I don't want to eat lunch in a kennel. So I'm outside on the patio of this petting zoo when all of a sudden a dog shakes and a gust of wind blows dog hair directly into my mouth. It was on my face, my food, and floating in my coffee. Now at this point I'm helpless, it's not like I can scold the dog. In fact, I can't even complain to the waiter; "Excuse me sir, there is hair in my food!"
How would he respond? "Yeah, there is a lot of hair in your food but unfortunately for you we don't have a German Shepard on the grill."
As I'm picking follicles out of my eggs, another dog on a leash comes up under my table and just stares at me begging for food. At one point the owner looks at me from her table and goes "Aww.. looks like Bella made a new friend. It's ok, you can give him a bite, it won't hurt him."
"Oh can I? Thank you so much!"
How did I become responsible for feeding YOUR animal? How about when I'm done feeding him I can bathe him and take him for a walk also?
Then she says 'If you're going to feed him, make him do a trick first."
The only trick I'm interested in your dog doing is getting far away from me, but unfortunately "Bella" doesn't understand the "piss off" command.
It's just ridiculous how we treat animals like people and people like animals.
There are literally homeless people around the corner begging for food and you're sitting here feeding pancakes to an already overweight bulldog.
I'm not for equality. I say let's love our food and love our animals but not in the same place at the same time.
I was having lunch the other day at a place that was (unknown to me) a "dog friendly" patio. This is for dog owners who like to enjoy a meal while their pets annoy other people for a change. Aside from being unsanitary, bringing a dog around tons and tons of people food is a little cruel if you ask me. It's the equivalent of taking your girlfriend to Tiffany's Jewelry and telling her not to touch anything. She'd be under the bracelet counter whining louder then a cocker spaniel for a piece of bacon.
The place was mayhem. Dogs jumping on tables, fighting with other dogs, drinking iced tea out of their owners' cups. I'm a huge dog lover, however, I'm still not 100 percent comfortable with people mixing animals and food; I don't want to eat lunch in a kennel. So I'm outside on the patio of this petting zoo when all of a sudden a dog shakes and a gust of wind blows dog hair directly into my mouth. It was on my face, my food, and floating in my coffee. Now at this point I'm helpless, it's not like I can scold the dog. In fact, I can't even complain to the waiter; "Excuse me sir, there is hair in my food!"
How would he respond? "Yeah, there is a lot of hair in your food but unfortunately for you we don't have a German Shepard on the grill."
As I'm picking follicles out of my eggs, another dog on a leash comes up under my table and just stares at me begging for food. At one point the owner looks at me from her table and goes "Aww.. looks like Bella made a new friend. It's ok, you can give him a bite, it won't hurt him."
"Oh can I? Thank you so much!"
How did I become responsible for feeding YOUR animal? How about when I'm done feeding him I can bathe him and take him for a walk also?
Then she says 'If you're going to feed him, make him do a trick first."
The only trick I'm interested in your dog doing is getting far away from me, but unfortunately "Bella" doesn't understand the "piss off" command.
It's just ridiculous how we treat animals like people and people like animals.
There are literally homeless people around the corner begging for food and you're sitting here feeding pancakes to an already overweight bulldog.
I'm not for equality. I say let's love our food and love our animals but not in the same place at the same time.
dog tricks,
Friday, February 10, 2012
Sinners and Saints
Here's something for your viewing pleasure. Take a look and see if you can recognize the dude in the chair. I was in makeup for 4 1/2 hours for this scene. The film Sinners and Saints starring Johnny Strong, Sean Patrick Flanery, Method Man, and Tom Berenger is out now on DVD and Redbox.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Fresh Faces
The videos for the Fresh Faces contest are up.
Go to the link below and vote for me. You are able to vote once a day
Go to the link below and vote for me. You are able to vote once a day
Bummed Out
I was on my phone today and a homeless man came into my view. I politely walked past him and instead of asking me for money he asks "hey man, is that an I-phone 4s?"
And without hesitation I replied "Yes, yes it is."
Here's the problem.. It's not.
It's just a regular 4 but now here I am lying and pretending to have a higher status to the man living on a street corner.
Certainly I didn't want to appear to be poor to the man begging for change. What was I afraid of?
Bum: "Hey man, is that an I-phone 4S?
Me: "No, just the regular 4
Bum: "Pssh, looser.."
You wouldn't lie on your tax form to impress the IRS.
That's almost as pathetic as lying to a midget about your size.
Midget: "Hey man, how tall are you? 6ft?"
Me: "6.5 actually"
And without hesitation I replied "Yes, yes it is."
Here's the problem.. It's not.
It's just a regular 4 but now here I am lying and pretending to have a higher status to the man living on a street corner.
Certainly I didn't want to appear to be poor to the man begging for change. What was I afraid of?
Bum: "Hey man, is that an I-phone 4S?
Me: "No, just the regular 4
Bum: "Pssh, looser.."
You wouldn't lie on your tax form to impress the IRS.
That's almost as pathetic as lying to a midget about your size.
Midget: "Hey man, how tall are you? 6ft?"
Me: "6.5 actually"
How old do I look?
Today I was sitting at a coffee shop in downtown Burbank by myself at a table for two. It's lunch time and it's jam packed.. And by lunch time I mean for the 99% it was lunch time however I am the 1%. I'm having French toast and coffee when I notice a semi attractive older woman standing behind me waiting for someone to get up so she can sit and eat. I felt bad so I offered her a seat at my table. She accepts, sits down, and starts to eat. Now I guess because I've invited her into my world she now feels like she must start a conversation the way one would on an airplane or a greyhound bus. It was pleasant at first but became annoying increasingly fast as I realized this ex-desperate housewife hasn't had someone of the opposite sex to talk with in a long time. On and on she goes about moving to California, her rise to head of sales of her company, and the time she met Topher Grace at a charity dinner. She tells me how she grew up in Phoenix, how her ex husband lost his toe to an ingrown toe nail, and how she has a daughter that just got accepted into NYU. And that's when she dropped it on me... the thing semi attractive older women do when they know they look decent for their age and want to be recognized for it.
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Can you BELIEVE I have a daughter in college?
Me: Yeah, that's crazy..
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Not bad for a 42 year old huh?
Me: Wow! You're 42?! I never would have guessed that..
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Really? How old do I look?
Me: If I had to guess I totally would have said 56!
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Thanks for letting me use your table. (gets up and leaves)
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Can you BELIEVE I have a daughter in college?
Me: Yeah, that's crazy..
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Not bad for a 42 year old huh?
Me: Wow! You're 42?! I never would have guessed that..
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Really? How old do I look?
Me: If I had to guess I totally would have said 56!
Semi Attractive Older Woman: Thanks for letting me use your table. (gets up and leaves)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Selena Dion
The apartment next to me is currently blasting the Celine Dion theme to Titanic. I'm conflicted. On one hand it's annoying, on the other it's comforting because it's the first bit of English I've heard since moving in
Saturday, January 28, 2012
High Hopes
Met a guy tonight after my set who told me he was jealous of me for going out and "following my dream." He then proceeded to tell me that he hopes to one day fulfil his life long dream of moving to Colorado so he can start growing and selling marijuana. Here's to you buddy.. keep reaching for the stars.

Friday, January 27, 2012
This is a crazy dream (what am i doing?)
So let me say this: This is my blog/drunk ramblings/meltdown/outlet to the real world. For the last two months I've been living a nomadic lifestyle. I put all my shit in storage and I decided to see what it was like living with "no possesions." So far it's been very liberating living a minimalist life and surviving on rashins. I love what I do. I love connecting with people and sharing a moment with absolute strangers. Tonight I turned down a very nice job making a good amount of money and for what? To drive arund the US? To drink an obscene amount of alcohol and perform in places not even listed on a school map? This is the path I've chosen. I can't even explain why I've chosen this life but I have. I'm going to California in three days and I'm half excited and half terrified. I'm leaving my comfort zone. I'm saying goodbye to friends and family to chase a dream I've had since the 1st grade. Is this the right decision? Only time will tell.. Thanks to my friends for lettng me crash with them and thanks to the great state of Texas for being my home the last 31 years. Let's see where this crazy dream takes us.....
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