Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gee Whiz

I was parked on a street yesterday in the middle of the afternoon waiting to pick a friend up when a big escalade pulled behind me. There was a huge black dude in a suit and tie behind the wheel smoking a black and mild. He's just staring at me for about five minutes then he gets out of his car and starts walking my way. I'm a little concerned at this point but he stops behind my car and in front of his and then, just like that, he starts pissing. I'm like "there is no way this dude is just pissing right now" and I look in my rear view and sure enough he's letting it go all over the street, never breaking eye contact with me. After what seems like an hour he gets back in his car and drives away. For a split second when he got out I thought I was about to get robbed, so I guess I was a little relieved that all he did was creepily stare at me while urinating on my car, which is something I thought I would never say.

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