Just got back to California from Texas. I had an amazing week and it was so wonderful to see my friends and family again. The shows were incredible and I feel truly lucky to have so many great people in my life. I was gonna blog about the week but it's still a little foggy. If I didn't get to see you, I'll be back for shows in July!
In the meantime I'm filming a short film this weekend and the director has already called me crying twice. This should be interesting..
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Escape From LA
Justin Foster, Raj Sharma, and Tone Bell, 3 Texas transplants now living in California will be coming home for a triple bill this Saturday at 7pm. It all worked out that we will be in town that night and are very excited about doing a show at our home club. Tickets are available now at improv.com or by calling the box office at 972-404-8501. Please come out and support the show so we can make you laugh (and hopefully make enough to afford the twelve dollar drinks out here for awhile longer.)
Tickets available here
Tickets available here
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Gee Whiz
I was parked on a street yesterday in the middle of the afternoon waiting to pick a friend up when a big escalade pulled behind me. There was a huge black dude in a suit and tie behind the wheel smoking a black and mild. He's just staring at me for about five minutes then he gets out of his car and starts walking my way. I'm a little concerned at this point but he stops behind my car and in front of his and then, just like that, he starts pissing. I'm like "there is no way this dude is just pissing right now" and I look in my rear view and sure enough he's letting it go all over the street, never breaking eye contact with me. After what seems like an hour he gets back in his car and drives away. For a split second when he got out I thought I was about to get robbed, so I guess I was a little relieved that all he did was creepily stare at me while urinating on my car, which is something I thought I would never say.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
"It's Never Enough"
Eavesdropping on other people's
conversations in public is a favorite past time of mine. For the
longest time the two types of people to listen in on were 1. Couples
on a first date 2. Dudes talking about women (getting women, how the
bar has a lack of women, what they did with this woman, what they
would do with that one, etc.) However, now living in Hollywood, I'd
like to submit a third category: 3. DRUNK DUDES TALKING TO
Now, I've never once considered myself
a “celebrity”, however on a small scale, I'm in front of the
general public entertaining them, which in return brings some people
the desire to chat with me after a show. Normally I love it, however
there are those times when a guy has had too much to drink and can
just get on my nerves. It's usually the dude who saw you on stage and
now fancies himself a comedian.
“Hey man, you're really funny.”
“Hey man, you're really unfunny.”
“Hey man, I got a joke you can use.”
“Hey man, you're a comic, say
something to make me laugh.”
“Hey man, wanna hang out after the
“Hey man, people tell me I'm funny, I
think I could do what you do”
“Hey man, how come to don't talk
about blah blah blah.”
Now that is annoying but on the
absolute smallest level of the entertainment industry. With that
being said, I couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like to be a
MAJOR star that gets recognized everywhere he goes.
That brings me to the subject of
Last night I was at a bar in Hollywood
having some drinks with friends when I notice directly behind me is
Jeremy Renner having a conversation with two guys that could best be
described as “retarded drunk.” So naturally I turn a bit to the
left and I'm hearing what has got to be the most uncomfortable
exchange one could have when trying to just have a drink and be left
What I gathered is that the 2 guys were
in a band (of course) and that they were “big fans” of Renner
(because they kept repeating it, over and over.)
Then they start in with “I think it's
great you're in the new Avengers movie. It's going to launch your career like crazy.”
To which Renner very politely replies
with: “yeah, ha, let's hope so.”
Drunk guys : “you are always starring
with famous actors but you need to be a lead. You could definitely be
the lead in a movie...”
Now this is hilarious to me and I start
laughing. All I hear in my head is these 2 drunk dudes telling one of
the most respected actors out right now to “hang in their kid,
you're gonna make it one day.”
Renner replies with “Yeah, uh, I'm
the lead in the new Bourne Movie..”
Drunk dudes “Oh, really? They are
still making those? Is Matt Damon not gonna be in it?”
Renner: “Dude, I've been doing this
for 20 years.”
Drunk dudes: “But you need to be like
Hollywood Huge”
Renner: “I have a 30 ft. billboard
across the street where I'm standing next to Robert Downey Jr, and
Samuel L Jackson, I was nominated for 2 Academy Awards. What more do
you want from me?!”
And this goes on and on for about 15
minutes. It just goes to show you the mentality of some people. Here
you have an actor that makes millions of dollars, was in a movie that
won best picture, and has incredible success and yet he's getting
career advice from two dudes drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.
I would never eat a meal prepared by
Gordon Ramsay and then tell him the duck needs more salt.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I like this
"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life."~(Indian Philosopher (1895-1986)) - J.Krishnamurti
Monday, April 2, 2012
Bizarre Night! Somehow I ended up in the green room of the Hermosa Beach Comedy and Magic Club with Jay Leno and Jimmy Brogan. Great show and even better hanging after. The club is first class and super cool. Definitely an experience for me. Plus, I got to see Jay accidentally back his Jaguar into a parked car. Not bad for a Sunday night.
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